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Sister Denise Wilkinson

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Content written by Sister Denise
Journals and Letters final week: Celebrate Mother Theodore
With this week’s blog, we bid adieu, goodbye to our yearlong journey with Mother Theodore Guerin. We learned so much on this journey.
Musings on World Smile Day
So smile – with your mouth, your eyes, your voice. Just smile – and then do that one random act of kindness that will make someone else smile.
Mother Theodore, Providence Associate Kate Childs Graham: writers encouraging goodness
It’s doubtful Mother Theodore wrote so her words would be preserved. She may have written to encourage others to persevere. Providence Associate Kate Childs Graham, speech writer for Vice President Kamala Harris, seems to have that same hope — that her writing will encourage others to persevere in living lives of faith, commitment, candor and compassion.
Journals and Letters week 48: Direct and loving advice from Mother Theodore
In her letter to Sister Maria, Mother Theodore’s tone seems direct, stern and loving. (How does Mother Theodore so consistently manage blending those seeming opposites?)
Journals and Letters week 45: Sorrows and shadows
“Indeed it is very difficult, and it requires an uncommon virtue, not to make others suffer when we suffer,” writes Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.
Journals and Letters week 41: Oh, Maria and other friends
Although she felt affection, appreciation and friendship for each of the people she writes to this week, Mother Theodore is still able to be firm.
Musings on National Simplicity Day
All of a sudden, the “celebration” of National Simplicity Day turned into a celebration for the affluent. Why celebrate that?
Journals and Letters week 37: Good for nothing but to love God
We get only a few glimpses of Sister St. Francis Xavier in what we’ve read. But they hint at her character and her friendship with Mother Theodore.
Journals and Letters week 33: Reasons Mother Theodore may have felt overwhelmed and crabby
Sister Denise Wilkinson, SP, lists the top reasons why she believes Mother Theodore might have been feeling overwhelmed and a bit crabby.
Reflecting on National Day of Prayer
On this National Day of Prayer, for whom and/or with whom will you raise your mind and heart to God?
Take a deep breath: spiritual direction during pandemic
“Having Sister Marsha sit, listen, pray and offer her gentle guidance brings the matter up into the light. And once the struggle has been shown the light, the resolution begins.”
Sister Denise was the general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods from 2006-2016. She previously served as a high school teacher, college administrator, postulant/novice director and director of advancement and communications for the Congregation. Currently, Sister Denise serves the Congregation in various volunteer positions.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Denise, view her sister profile page.