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Sister Denise Wilkinson

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Content written by Sister Denise
Thanksgiving: Generosity with justice
This thankful and thoughtful blog is being highlighted for Thanksgiving 2019 because it is as appropriate today as it was when it was first written. I just sat down to write this Thanksgiving reflection and every word that immediately popped into my head begins with the letter f — family, feast, football, friends, forgotten. The…
Sister Denise reflects on Election Day
The last several months have heightened my awareness of and gratitude for the privilege of voting as a way to exercise responsible citizenship and to shape public policy in the United States. As is often the case for me, it is in witnessing the lack of something that tunes me into that “thing’s” value. Think…
All Souls Day 2011
In thinking about All Souls Day, I came upon this. In 988 CE, the abbot Odilo of the Cluny monastery in France wrote of November 2’s feast: “[keep] with joyous affection the memory of all the faithful departed who have lived from the beginning of the world until the end.” However, when I first read…
Foundation Day 2011
Happy Foundation Day! We thank our Provident God for the lives of our six foundresses: Sister St. Vincent Ferrer Gagé, Sister Basilide Sénéchal, Sister Olympiade Boyer, Sister Mary Xavier Lerée and Sister Mary Liguouri Tiercin and Mother Theodore Guérin. Let us imagine these six women standing in the tiny, dark log cabin that serves as…
What have we to do in order to become saints?
Happy Feast! It’s good to be here with the usual suspects — SPs, Providence Associates, SP and PHC staff, colleagues and alumnae from SMWC, our close neighbors from the Village and West Terre Haute and Terre Haute. As always, we welcome all who have come to celebrate. It’s hard to believe that it has been…
The 2011 installation of the General Officers
When the General Councilors and I planned this liturgy, we quickly chose as its theme the Mother Theodore quotation that appears on the cover of your worship aid: “Perfect abandonment of ourselves in all things for the future requires great courage, but we ought to aspire to it.” — Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. For the…
Prayer in troubled times
Some days ago I received a request from a local newspaper reporter who was preparing an article about the 10th anniversary of the catastrophic events here in the U.S. on 9/11/01. She asked me if I thought people tended to turn to prayer at times of tragedy or turmoil. If so, why did I think…
General Chapter 2011
Our General Chapter ended just about four weeks ago. The past weeks have given me the opportunity to reflect on the experience and outcomes of our time together and what I’d like to share with all of you, our partners in mission. All of my reflections center on a deep sense of gratitude, i.e., thankfulness…
Father’s Day 2011
Working out in my garden yesterday, I inadvertently witnessed/eavesdropped on a lovely father-child series of moments – aka father-love-in-action. A van pulled up at the fountain standing at the end of the Avenue, our “main street” if you will. A family piled out — grandparents, mom and dad — but not the toddler who was…
Easter 2011
As we enter the final week of Lent, the deep, deep purple of Lenten liturgical environments gives way first to the blazing red of Passion Sunday and Passion week, then briefly breaks into the startling white of Holy Thursday, then back to the blazing red of Good Friday and, finally, to the gentle pastels and…
The annual exercise of Lent
Good old Lent! Here you are again — staring me in the face … daring me to find something good about the experience — in spite of my many years of getting to Easter and thinking, “Well, another Lent when I didn’t do what I said I would.” Lent, for me, is the Catholic equivalent…
Valentine’s Day 2011
My cousin’s son and his wife have a son, Jack Alfred. (At family gatherings, use of his middle name is required to distinguish him from his cousin Jack Louis.) In my lamentably too few encounters with Jack Alfred, I find him a wonderful blend of serious and effervescent, inquisitive and definite. What I often observe…
Sister Denise was the general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods from 2006-2016. She previously served as a high school teacher, college administrator, postulant/novice director and director of advancement and communications for the Congregation. Currently, Sister Denise serves the Congregation in various volunteer positions.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Denise, view her sister profile page.