Site author

Sister Donna Butler

Content written by Sister Donna


All Saints Day

All Saints Day By Sister Donna Butler In the shadow of death a cemetery was the place I called home. In that dwelling place of saints gone before us solitude and silence tasted like a banquet. Both my grandfather and my dad were superintendents of the Catholic cemetery in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Our house was…


Sister Donna Butler has been a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for more than 60 years. Sister Donna has served in elementary education, parish ministry, diocesan social justice, as well as the Congregation’s liturgy office, archives department and social justice outreach. She also administered as the director of the Providence Volunteer Ministry. Sister Donna currently volunteers in outreach with Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College students.

Sister profile

To learn more about Sister Donna, view her sister profile page.