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Connie McCammon

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Ronda Hoggatt: becoming a better disciple
Ronda Hoggatt of Clinton, Ind., will make her first commitment as a Providence Associate in November 2010. 1.) Share with us a little about yourself. I reside in Clinton, Ind. I have lived in the Clinton area all my life. I grew up in a little coal mining town called Centenary. I learned a lot…
Jeannie Smith: living an authentic faith
“You can’t imagine the joy I felt when the Providence Associate Relationship was finally launched, and I was one of the first to sign up,” said Jeannie Smith, a Providence Associate and former Sister of Providence from Solana Beach, Calif. Jeannie’s roots with the Congregation are very deep. She and her older brother and sister…
New book addresses ‘feminist Christianity’
Providence Candidate-Associate Diann Neu, co-director of the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) in Silver Spring, Md., and Mary E. Hunt, also a co-director, are editors of the new book, “New Feminist Christianity: Many Voices, Many Views,” published by Skylight Paths Publishing. The book is a collection of writings by women ministers, theologians,…
Letter from a saint: to Father Martin
Portions of a letter to the Rev. Augustine Martin, May 1, 1841 (Father Martin gave the sisters their first retreat in the United States Nov. 30 to Dec. 7, 1840. In 1841, he was the pastor of the parish in Logansport, Ind.) “I have followed exactly your recommendations in regard to the Bishop [Celestine de…
Archives and the Civil War
The Sisters of Providence Archives has several historical documents and photos related to the Civil War. The Congregation, of course, provided nursing service at the Military Hospital in Indianapolis as well as the emergency hospital in Vincennes, Ind., during the conflict. Of the 11 sisters who served during the Civil War, our Archives has images…
Nuns of the Battlefield
“Nuns of the Battlefield” was written by Ellen Ryan Jolly and originally published in 1927. This monograph highlights the women’s religious congregations that ministered to soldiers during the Civil War. In the foreward, William A. Hickey, then-bishop of Providence, R.I., penned: “It [this book] merits the careful reading of all who have any interest in…
Hand of Providence
“The Hand of Providence” by the Rev. John F. McShane was published in 1949. The frontispiece of this small book states, “A tribute to the Civil War nurses of the Sisters of Providence, St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind., whose five years of patriotic service in the foundation of Indianapolis General Hospital has almost been forgotten.” This book…
Vision of Mother Theodore
While searching for some information in the files of Mother Superior Gertrude Clare Owens, Archives volunteer Sister Marie Grace Molloy found this very interesting statement concerning a vision of Mother Theodore that Mrs. Michael Owens had in 1910. It was signed by a notary public on Dec. 10, 1957. Mother Superior Sister Gertrude Clare was…
Receiving God’s unconditional love
Providence Associate Jenny Nowalk of Culver, Ind., spent the week of July 12, 2010, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Rebecca “Becky” Keller, Volunteer Services coordinator, helped Jenny arrange a place to volunteer. Jenny also spent time reading, reflecting, praying and sharing with the Sisters of Providence. Jenny’s observations about the week appear below. Letter Circular Saint…
Mutual relationship of sisters and associates
Providence Associates and Sisters of Providence Gather to Reflect on the “Mutual Relationship of Sisters and Associates” June 28, 2010, at Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana (Summary of the presentation given by Sisters Diane Mason, assistant director, and Mary Alice Zander (RIP), director.) BACKGROUND During our 2001 General Chapter one of our mandates was…
A tribute to sisters who have served
On Monday, May 31, our nation celebrates Memorial Day. During Mass on Monday, the Sisters of Providence will remember those sisters who served their country during war. An American flag will be placed on the gravesite of those sisters who served our country in a time of need. As our blog has shared in recent…
Margaret “Peg” Monahan: Always Give Back
“Don’t ever forget from where you came and always give back.” This is a piece of advice that Margaret “Peg” Monahan’s father gave to her when she was a young girl. It’s advice that Peg has never forgotten. Born and raised on the northwest side of Chicago, Peg was the oldest of three children. All…
Connie McCammon worked in the communications office for the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.