Site author

Connie McCammon

Content written by Connie


Mary Carroll Blocher: Dancing for Joy

This article originally appeared in the winter 2012 issue of HOPE. “Praise him with tambourine and dancing.” (Psalm 150:4) From the age of 5, Providence Associate Mary Carroll Blocher has praised God through dance, just as the psalmist says. And through the years, she has shared this love of dance with countless students. When Mary…



Remembering 2011 in photos

2011 was a busy one for Providence Associates, Candidate-Associates and the Sisters of Providence. We bade farewell to Sister Mary Alice Zander, first director of the Providence Associate Relationship, in March. But as Sister Mary Alice would have wanted it, we kept busy throughout the year. Last spring’s retreat featured then-General Officer Sister Marie McCarthy…



Angels of mercy: Civil War service of the sisters

Reprinted from the fall 2011 issue of HOPE. “Cloistered by the majestic forest, the Convent and the Academy at St. Mary-of-the-Woods in 1860 would seem to have been too remote, too securely enclosed, to hear the rumblings of the approaching national disturbance. Echoes of trouble, however, reached even to this secluded spot,” wrote Sister Mary…



The wisdom of Saint Mother Theodore: Letter to Sister Maria

Letter from Saint Mother Theodore to Sister Maria in Madison, Ind. Nov. 24, 1854 “I am sorry, my dear Sister, that you have yielded again to your caprices. You must make another copy of the pieces of music you destroyed. We shall see later what will be done with them. Think no more about these…



The wisdom of Saint Mother Theodore: Letter to Sister Maria

Letter from Saint Mother Theodore to Sister Maria in Madison, Ind. Nov. 11, 1853 “My dear Sister: “Sister Basilide having written to let me know the number of hours that each of you was occupied in teaching, I told her I thought you had too much to do and begged her to take something from…



The wisdom of Saint Mother Theodore: Letter to Sister Gabriella

Letter from Saint Mother Theodore to Sister Gabriella in Fort Wayne, Ind. Jan. 3, 1853 “My dear Sister: “I have received with true pleasure your good and affectionate wishes. The heart understands the heart. As yours was speaking in your letter, mine understood its language. Be sure, my dear Sister Gabriella, that I wish and…



The flag of Brittany

During the month of October, a very special month in the history of the Congregation, the flag of Brittany waves proudly from a flagpole near Providence Hall. Brittany is the region in France where Saint Mother Theodore Guerin spent her childhood and early adulthood. Mother Theodore was born Oct. 2, 1798, in the village of…



The wisdom of Saint Mother Theodore: to the sisters in Madison

Letter from Saint Mother Theodore to the sisters in Madison, Ind. March 21, 1849 “My very dear and beloved Daughters: “Just this moment I hear that the cholera has made its entrance into your dear Madison. I cannot tell you how anxious I am about you. I beseech you to be sure to write to…



Bernard Casey: An Ordinary Person

Age quod agis. Several years ago a Jesuit priest at Fairfield University in Connecticut introduced this Latin phrase to Dr. Bernard Casey, and it’s been his philosophy of life ever since. What exactly does this phrase mean? “‘Do what you are doing,’ so that when you’re working, work hard; when you’re playing, play hard; when…



Sheila Donis: loved and taught by the sisters

Sheila Donis is a Providence Associate from Jasonville, Ind. She made her commitment as an associate in November 2009. She was companioned by Sister Catherine Livers, of whom Sheila says, “Her kindnesses to the poor coupled with her holiness has inspired me for over 40 years.” 1.) Share with us a little about yourself. I…



Registry records every woman who has entered the Congregation

Since Nov. 9, 1840, every woman who has entered the Sisters of Providence has had her name recorded in one of two entrance books that are kept in the Congregation’s Archives. Now, thanks to our partnership with the Indiana Historical Society, the first entrance book has been digitized and is now available online in an…



Entrance book digitally preserved

The staff members of the Sisters of Providence Archives are making sure that all people, wherever they are located in this world, can have access to many of the Congregation’s records by digitizing them. The staff members are also trying to protect the Congregation’s historical treasures from — heaven forbid — natural disasters or even…


Connie McCammon worked in the communications office for the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.