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Found 5074 Results


Sister Judith Mangin

Published on February 10, 2008

“Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart. …” (Matthew 11:29) “Both the Hebrew and the Christian scriptures name qualities looked upon as…

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Sister Margaret (Joseph Andre) Sullivan

Published on February 10, 2008

“This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) “Those of us who knew Sister Margaret Sullivan will not be surprised to hear that on…

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Changing a life can be life changing

Published on February 1, 2008

For Sister Joann Quinkert, helping someone make a change is a life and death issue as she ministers to a Death Row inmate at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute,…

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Mary Weber and Gary Meister: ‘a God of surprises’

Published on January 15, 2008

Mary Weber and Gary Meister of Indianapolis made their first commitments as Providence Associates in November 2008. Sister Marceline Mattingly was the companion for this couple. Among their many ways…

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Annmarie Portela: ‘With this decision, I am truly content’

Published on January 14, 2008

Annmarie Portela and her husband, two daughters and their golden retriever live in St. John, Ind. Her companion was Sister Ellen Cunningham. 1.) Why did you want to become a…

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The Le Fer sisters: Gifts to the Congregation

Published on January 13, 2008

This article is reprinted from winter 2008 issue of HOPE. By Brother Barry Donaghue, cfc One of the loveliest of the early “her-stories” of the Sisters of Providence of Saint…

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It’s God’s project

Published on January 13, 2008

This article is reprinted from winter 2008 issue of HOPE. In August 2004, Hurricane Charley ripped through Arcadia, Fla., destroying homes and jobs for migrant workers. Today, the Sisters of…

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Sister Catherine Joseph Wilcox

Published on December 31, 2007

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) “Someone has said that we all die the moment we are…

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Sister Joan (Ruth Cecile) Klega

Published on December 21, 2007

“The winter solstice occurs once a year, when the tilt of Earth’s axis is oriented directly away from the sun, causing the sun to appear to reach its northern-most extreme.…

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Sister Elizabeth Rose Weisenbach

Published on December 6, 2007

“The Bible doesn’t tell one word of what his mother said that first glad Easter morning when Jesus arose from the dead. Great joy sometimes can make one dumb. I…

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Sister Raymond Hunter

Published on December 1, 2007

“Do not forget: thin sowing means thin reaping. The more you sow, the more you reap.” (2 Corinthians 9:6) “Never could it be said of Sister Raymond Hunter that she…

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Barbara and Kathy Kothlow: Keeping Alive Saint Mother Theodore’s Story of Faith

Published on December 1, 2007

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin — now that she’s been canonized by the Catholic Church, how do people keep the story of her faith and trust in Providence alive? For Barbara…

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