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Found 5039 Results

Sister Profile

Jessica Vitente

Jessica Vitente of Pomona, California entered the Sisters of Providence as a postulant on Sept. 10, 2018. She received the title of Sister on Aug. 3, 2019, as she entered…

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New postulant enters Sisters of Providence

Published on September 13, 2018

‘I realized a couple of years into discernment that if I want to be the best version of myself for my family, friends, and the world, I should follow the path that God has presented me’

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HOME, a place to nurture the well-being of others

Published on September 13, 2018

It is rare that a Sister of Providence going to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods doesn’t say, “I’m going home.” It is rare that visitors to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods campus don’t remark on the…

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HOPE fall 2018 — Growing into our future where I am

Published on September 12, 2018

In this issue of the Sisters of Providence HOPE magazine read about Sister Tracey Horan and her ministry for justice, activities for our elder sisters, Providence Associates joining the sisters in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and more!

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Published on September 12, 2018

Sisters of Providence celebrate Jubilees Five Sisters of Providence, including (front, from left) Sisters Pat Linehan, Jan Craven, Kathleen Bernadette Smith, and (middle row, second from left) Jody O’Neil and…

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Blessed Sacrament Chapel: transforming hearts through prayer

Published on September 12, 2018

“In this day and age and the world we live in — so fast moving — I believe prayer is very important, most important. I get back so much more than I ever give. I get a deeper faith. I’m just a better person for it. And it really gives me a lot of peace and comfort,” said Providence Associate Mickie Lane-Fredericks

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Youth, elders learn from each other

Published on September 12, 2018

After visiting with Sister Marceline Mattingly, age 102, Jolyssa Cortez wrote: “I asked her in what year she was born and she said, ‘1915.’ I think that is amazing because she lived through so much history in her life. She said the most amazing part of the history she lived was seeing the technology industry grow. After my visit, I felt like a whole new person.”

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Asked to move for the sake of the mission

Published on September 12, 2018

“Our moving would help the school and further Guerin’s mission, which is our mission” said another. “It is for the sake of the mission that I responded to the initial call to religious life and I continue to commit myself to this call whatever it asks of me, letting go of my own personal preferences.”

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Putting a face on the Foley Legacy Fund

Published on September 12, 2018

The Foley Legacy Fund has enriched and supported much good this year. The Foley Legacy Fund supports all Sisters of Providence ministries. The following stories are just a few examples of how the Foley Legacy Fund has helped the sisters further their mission.

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Growing Earth into the future, from where you are

Published on September 12, 2018

“Mindful of the effect of climate injustice on the cosmos, Earth, and its people, particularly the most vulnerable, we commit to work against climate injustice by collectively reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by two million pounds by June 2019, and by advocating for strong environmental policy.”

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Sister Tracey Horan and Faith in Indiana: working for justice

Published on September 12, 2018

“I believe people of faith are being called to take the lead and imagine how we can be together — how we can offer alternatives to hate and division.” Sister of Providence Tracey Horan and her justice ministry at Faith in Indiana.

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A new and improved

Published on September 12, 2018

Spend a few minutes or an hour checking out the new site. Did you know that our website is one of the most important ways that new people learn about the Congregation? Thousands of people visit it each month!

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