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Published on September 21, 2020

William LeCroy, who is scheduled to be executed by the federal government at 6 p.m., on Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020, recently sent – through other sources – one of his poems to our very own Sister Barbara Battista, who will serve as his minister of record.

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Poem: Nature abounds

Published on September 19, 2020

Oh praise to you, God beyond all mysteries. You breathed your life force into all.

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Sister educators reminisce about Sisters of Providence Schools

Published on September 17, 2020

“I hope they carried away the conviction that creating a community and working for the good of all people is possible and desired.”

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Blessed Covid-19 and a VIRTUAL Come and See weekend

Published on September 16, 2020

Women now more than ever are sitting before God in holy silence. They are seeking truth and the real meaning of their lives.

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Ask Sister Dina: Why do some sisters change their names?

Published on September 15, 2020

After Vatican II, however, with its emphasis on the universal call to holiness of all the baptized, some Congregations allowed their members to either keep their religious name or return to their baptismal name.

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White Violet Center: Meet the new 2020 fall intern cohort

Published on September 14, 2020

A popular refrain within the Community of Providence is “Sacred Creation” by Rufino Zaragoza, OFM. “Sacred the land, sacred the water, sacred the sky, holy and true. Sacred all life,…

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Join the conversation: systemic racism and wealth, discussing across divides

Published on September 10, 2020

When I started at NETWORK and had the opportunity to participate in the Racial Wealth and Income Gap workshop, my initial reaction was “This is what I’ve been searching for for years to explain systemic racism.”

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White Violet Center: Though the world may pause, life always moves forward

Published on September 9, 2020

While the world seemingly stands still, it has been reassuring to watch the life cycles of the farm continue to spin on. Winter still turned into spring, which still turned…

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Sisters of Providence to host first virtual Come and See retreat

Published on September 8, 2020

‘We are inviting women discerning religious life to join us. We will provide a space for women to slow down from their busy fast-paced lives and listen to what their call might be.’

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A Prayer for Teachers during this pandemic

Give us an abundance of patience as we learn to juggle our teaching, sanitizing, distancing and masking, while trying to be attentive to the needs of our students.

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A Prayer for Students

Embrace these students and teachers with your love.

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Good Shepherd Chapel formally blessed

Published on September 6, 2020

‘This new cemetery celebrates these significant friends of the community and enables us to honor their loved ones during a difficult time.’

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