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Ask Sister Dina: Tell me about the ‘Gibson Girls’

Dear Sister Dina,

6th Grade, 1957-58, St Patrick’s in Fort Wayne … Sister James Maureen. Over the years I have heard that she was one of three birth sisters that joined the Sisters of Providence called the “Gibson Girls.” Can you tell me if Sister James Maureen and/or her sisters are still around?
Thanks so much for your help!
— Jack W. via the SP website

A photo of all the twins in the Sisters of Providence Congregation in 1957, including the Gibson twins at back. From front left to right, Sisters Leona and Emily Walsh, Sisters Carol Ann and Charles Ann Bellucci, Sisters Marie Rosalie and Rosalita Mullen, Sisters Marian de Lourdes and Mary Annette Maloney, Sisters John Frances and James Marie Troy and Sisters Dorothy Jane (Jane) and Alice Jean Gibson.

Dear Jack,

Sister Jane Gibson

Thank you so much for your inquiry. The “Gibson Girls” were Sister James Maureen along with Sister Alice Jean and Sister Jane (who were also twins). Sister Jane is the only sister who remained with the Sisters of Providence Congregation. She is also the only surviving Gibson sister. Both Sister James Maureen and Sister Alice Jean ended up leaving the Sisters of Providence and both are now deceased. Sister Jane currently resides in Providence Health Care, our long-term care facility at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. You can learn more about Sister Jane here.

I hope this helps, Jack. Thank you again for your inquiry. Please know that we hold you in prayer.

Peace and blessings,
Sister Dina

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Sister Dina Bato

Sister Dina Bato

Sister Dina Bato has been a Sister of Providence since 2008. She has a master's degree in pastoral theology and a bachelor's degree in accounting. Sister Dina is active in ministry with young adults including her local Nuns & Nones gatherings as well as with Giving Voice, the Voices of Younger Women Religious. She enjoys walking with people on their spiritual journeys as well as reading, cooking, and playing music.

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  1. Avatar Lesley Arnold on January 5, 2021 at 1:22 am

    Thanks for this. Those Gibson Girls are my aunts. I enjoyed reading the information and learning all of the different places she taught and worked. I wonder how often 3 sisters join the convent.

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