Books & Resources
Learn more about our Congregation and our Sisters.
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin was a prolific writer. Her letters and journals continue to inspire thousands of people.
This journal will take you back more than 170 years to an era of our history. Through graphic portrayal, the life of Religious in pioneer days comes to life. In detail, the book chronicles how Mother Theodore and five sister companions made their way from France to Indiana. The book will prove to be an interesting read from beginning to end. Without a doubt, it proves to be an historical document of great value to those studying American pioneer life and institutions.

Journals and Letters book
History of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, Volume IV: 1926–1966
The classic print version of the book is available at Linden Leaf Gifts. Additionally, a searchable & enlargeable ebook is available for purchase at Amazon and the Apple Books store.

Archive of digital files and translations
Indiana Memory Hosted Digital Collections
Our Archives Department shared access to Saint Mother Theodore’s journals and various letters with Indiana Memory. At their Hosted Digital Collections site, you can view the original digitized documents in French as well as English translations.
The life of Mother Theodore has inspired several books solely about her and has warranted inclusion in numerous other books. Books available at Linden Leaf Gifts include:

Saint Theodora and Her Promise to God
The Story of Mother Theodore Guerin
Your child might enjoy “Saint Theodora and Her Promise to God,” written by Mary K. Doyle and illustrated by Phil Velikan. The book, beautifully illustrated and fun to read, is an inspiring story of how one little girl followed God’s call, as Saint Theodora’s legacy of faith changed the course of pioneers in the Indiana wilderness in the mid-1800s and continues to do so today. It also makes a great gift! This book and a coloring book are available for purchase at Linden Leaf Gifts.

Mother Theodore Guerin – Saint of God
A Woman for All Time
By Penny Blaker Mitchell

The Eighth American Saint
The Life of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
By Katherine Burton

On This Day in Terre Haute History
By Dorothy Weinz Jerse
A number of books have been written about the Sisters of Providence and their long history of ministry.
New Lights from Old Truths: Living the Signs of the Times
History of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, Volume IV: 1926–1966
This book by Sister Maureen Abbott is the fourth in the series chronicling our Congregation. This volume covers the period of expansion between 1926 and 1966, which includes Vatican II.
Fourth in the series chronicling the history of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, the volume covers the period of expansion between 1926 and 1966, a period when hundreds of thousands of children were the beneficiaries of the Catholic school system in the United States.

175 Years: 1840–2015
A Pictorial History of the Sisters of Providence and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Presented by the Tribune-Star

History of the Sisters of Providence, Volume I
By Sister Mary Borromeo Brown

History of the Sisters of Providence, Volume II
By Sister Eugenia Logan

The Path Marked Out
History of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Volume III
By Sister Mary Roger Madden

Lest We Forget
The Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-Woods in Civil War Service
By Sister Mary Theodosia Mug

Against All Odds
Sisters of Providence Mission to the Chinese, 1920–1990
By Sister Ann Colette Wolf

Love, Mercy, and Justice
A Book of Practices of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

From the Killing Fields of the Federal Government
InterFaith Essays on the Resumption of Executions
Sister Barbara Battista and five others provided faith-based essays for this book regarding ending the death penalty following the federal government’s decision in continue executions at the federal level in 2020.
The Sisters of Providence also have some additional sources for great content by and about Sisters of Providence.
Social Justice