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2018-19 Annual Report

Your kindness and generosity to us have that same kind of monumental impact. My awareness of that profound inter-connectedness of all of us has deepened even more as I have reflected on the data and the stories provided in this annual report.

Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, General Superior, June 2020

Read more of Sister Dawn’s message to our generous supporters and take a look at the annual report from Sept. 1, 2018 – Aug. 31, 2019.

(Originally published in the Summer 2020 HOPE magazine.)

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Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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