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Listening to Nature’s Whispers

Understanding the Cry of the Earth

As I walk along a forest path, I am surrounded by the beauty of nature.

The rustling of the trees in the wind, the songs of birds and the fragrance of pine and other plants fill me with wonder.

It makes me think about how long we will be able to enjoy this beauty and how soon we could destroy it. How can we protect this natural wonder from disappearing forever?

Pope Francis has urged all of us, regardless of our religious beliefs, to pay attention to the Cry of the Earth; to wake up and take action to preserve what is left of God’s creation.

We should not take it for granted, as it won’t last forever. We need to remember that we are not just inhabitants of the Earth, but also its caretakers.

The Earth is trying to communicate with us. Each time we experience extreme heat, unusual weather patterns, or harsh winters or summers, we are witnessing the Earth’s attempt to send us a message.

If we don’t change our ways, we will face the consequences of our indifference, and by then it will be to late to reverse the effects.

Now is the time to take action and do everything we can to halt this relentless march toward destruction. Anything we do, whether individually or collectively, can turn us into agents of change.

Every action we take is a step toward redemption and healing. Small changes can have significant consequences.

Let’s do our part to listen to the cry of the Earth.

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Monica Hayden

Monica Hayden

Providence Associate Monica Hayden is a native of Chile who has lived in the United States for more than 30 years. She is a mother of two and grandmother to two. She holds a Master's Degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Georgia. She is enjoying her retirement is an avid quilter and blogger and is involved in several civic and non-profit organizations. She currently resides in North Carolina. She became a Providence Associate in 2011 and has been an Advisory Board member since 2013.

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