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Sisters to host ‘Cultivating Hope’ weekend or day retreat

Join Sister Corbin Hannah, SP, and other Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, for the upcoming “Cultivating Hope” weekend or day retreat.

The retreat begins at 6 p.m., on Friday, Oct. 18, and will conclude at 10 a.m., on Sunday, Oct. 20. It will take place at various locations at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. The day retreat option takes place on Saturday, Oct. 19.

If you are feeling grief or despair over the state of the world or feeling powerless and wondering what you can possibly do, attending this retreat will help you create the experience of finding hope and your own powerful potential in uncertain times.

“I think what happens a lot of times is we get overwhelmed by everything that is happening in the world,” Sister Corbin said. “Whether it be our political situation, war, genocide, climate change … there’s so much going on that it can be really overwhelming and often we shut down and we block out. We become paralyzed.

“We want those who attend to take the opportunity to stop and take moments to check in with themselves.”

The weekend will provide opportunities for participants to cultivate hope through nature, creative expression, contemplation, solitude, community, sacred spaces, ritual and talks.

“We are creating a container where people can understand the importance of engaging our emotions,” Sister Corbin added. “Different sisters will be talking about engaging grief. There will be actual practices we’ll walk people through, really exploring the grief or despair or what they are feeling.

“The idea of the retreat is to really help people find something they can hold on to. A hope that is not tied to anything.”

There are three options for attendance, including:

  • Two nights lodging plus five meals and programming for $300,
  • Commuter for the entire weekend with five meals and programming for $180, or
  • Saturday only with two meals and programming for $150.

The optional Sunday noon meal will be an additional fee. Additional housing options will also be available upon request.

The registration deadline is Oct. 1.

Register online here or call 812-535-2952 or email provctr@spsmw.org.

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Jason Moon

Jason Moon

Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.

Media contact

For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.

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