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A Note from Sister Barbara Battista: August 12, 2024

I have indeed been active in politics. That might surprise you because I am a vowed Sister of Providence

But think about it – if you know any members of our Providence Community (Associates, staff, volunteers, students, and supporters) you know that we all believe in Love, Mercy, and Justice. As citizens, we have the right to vote. 

Voting is how we speak for Justice. The policies proposed by our elected officials have a lasting impact on justice in our society. 

Recently I read that “justice is … a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people.” Pope Francis speaks about voting for the common good. This parallels the research cited above. Voting for the common good means that all issues are equally important. And this, too, points to “a duty to others.” 

Voting in elections is how we voice our values and show genuine respect for others.  

Call to Action

Share NETWORK’s Equally Sacred Checklist and engage in conversations with people around you about the issues that matter to you and why it’s important to vote.

If Not Now

Song by Carrie Newcomer

If not now tell me when

If not now tell me when

We may never see this moment

Or place in time again

If not now if not now tell me when

I see sorrow and trouble in this land

I see sorrow and trouble in this land

Although there will be struggle we’ll make the change we can

If not now if not now tell me when

If not now tell me when

If not now tell me when

We may never see this moment

Or place in time again

If not now if not now tell me when

I may never see the Promised Land

I may never see the Promised Land

And yet we’ll take the journey

And we’ll walk it hand in hand

If not now if not now tell me when

If not now tell me when

If not now tell me when

We may never see this moment

Or place in time again

If not now if not now tell me when

We’ll work it ‘til it’s done

Every daughter every son

And every soul that ever longed for something better

Something brighter

It will take a change of heart for this to mend

It will take a change of heart for this to mend

But miracles do happen every shining now and then

If not now if not now tell me when

If not now tell me when

If not now tell me when

We may never see this moment

Or place in time again

If not now if not now tell me when

And miracles do happen every shining now and then

If not now if not now tell me when

If not now if not now tell me when

Songwriter: Carrie Newcomer. For non-commercial use only

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Sister Barbara Battista

Sister Barbara Battista

Sister Barbara Battista is a native of Indianapolis who currently ministers as the Congregation's Justice Promoter. She credits her social justice activism to her mother Alice's strong example. Raised in a large and extended Italian family household, Sister Barbara comes by community organizing quite naturally. She is a passionate and energetic advocate for full equity and equality for women and girls in church and society.

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