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Transformative view of the afterlife

On January 29, 1856, Mother Theodore Guerin’s good friend Sister St. Francis Xavier Le Fer de la Motte was near death. She experienced a vision of heaven which brought peace and comfort in her final moments.

She shared her experience with Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, who later included it in her diary.

“Our Lord called me by my name,” Sister St. Francis said, “and in opening my eyes I found myself in heaven. Oh, how beautiful it is, Mother! How ineffable the happiness of heaven! I saw God! Jesus spoke to me and caressed me!”

The ‘paths’ remain with you

Anyone who has ever stepped foot on Saint Mary’s ground knows these paths remain with you in unique ways.

Whether you are a student, visitor, or member of staff, it is impossible to turn on the main avenue without thinking of the Sisters of Providence and the college’s history.

Each of us who appear on its land, in any capacity or length of time, will leave with a different perspective on things.

Having even a single interaction with a Sister of Providence will remain with you forever.

I encourage all readers to take a walk around Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, visit the buildings, sit on a bench and breath in the history.

Going to ‘The Woods’

As a student at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) and a West Terre Haute native, I can tell you firsthand how the college is highly regarded.

When I was in grade school, many talked about going to The Woods for important occasions and photo sessions, as well as discussing one day being a student there.

I feel as though I can be honest now and express my confusion on why everyone wanted to attend college. “What is the big deal?” I sometimes thought. Now, as I begin preparing for my final semester at SMWC, I find myself wishing I had come sooner.

‘How Beautiful’

As I have been a student worker in the Sisters of Providence Archives, I have a perspective on the college’s history my peers may not have. I have touched original artifacts from the creation of our founder’s mission.

I have read Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s personal diary front to back, multiple times, and have found myself in awe. This is something very few people have experienced.

When I read the discussion between Sister St. Francis Xavier and Mother Theodore during the sister’s final moments, I knew this was a page I would forever remember.

I took a photo of it and brought it up a multitude of times, to anyone who would listen.

I sent it to family members, friends and teachers. Each individual who genuinely took their time to read the excerpt, all would take a deep breath and say, “How beautiful.”

Forever ‘Grateful’

When have you ever experienced a person’s final moment on this Earth and thought it was a beautiful or even poetic moment?

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and the Sisters of Providence bring that beauty alive vividly, for us all.

I am forever grateful for the opportunities the Sisters of Providence have given me, not only for my experience as a college student, but also for my life outside of the gates of The Woods.

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Aliyah Orten

Aliyah Orten

Aliyah is a current English major at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She is Editor-in-Chief of Aurora Literary Arts Magazine. She is grateful for the opportunity the HOPE Board has given her as the only student editor included.

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  1. Avatar Mary Montgomery on July 18, 2024 at 6:17 am

    Thank you, Aliyah, for your beautiful article and reflection! A Treasure

  2. Avatar Deb Griffey on July 18, 2024 at 8:03 am

    Thank you! You’re exactly right…Saint Mary-of-the-Woods does bring that beauty and that sense of history alive when one steps onto the Avenue.

  3. Avatar Stephen Modde on July 18, 2024 at 12:20 pm

    Such an interesting, uplifting article. You certainly describe an enticing aspect about the Woods. I pray that at my final moments I may have an experience similar to S. St Francis. (Or I want the experience of Jesus caressing me NOW. hahaha!) Thanks Aliyah.

  4. Avatar Linda Doyle on July 22, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    Just maybe Mother Theo called you by name “Fille” Aliyah !

  5. Avatar Teri Freese on July 25, 2024 at 8:11 am

    i attended a convent high school that was called our lady of providence and run by their order there were many postulants there who were already dedicated to a life in the sisterhood
    it was the most transformative happening of my life and i have never forgotten how they helped and supported me

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