Honor your favorite Sister of Providence
It’s that time again. Children and teachers are returning to their schools and their classrooms. This time of year brings to mind some of our favorite teachers from our own school days. Were you taught by a special Sister of Providence? Did a Sister of Providence bless your life in some way?
One great way to honor your favorite sister is to donate to the Sisters of Providence in her honor. Go to Honor.SistersofProvidence.org to give a gift in memory of your favorite sister. If the sister you wish to honor is living, we’ll let her know you thought of her. Thank you for your ongoing support that allows us to continue to bring our mission of love, mercy and justice to people in need.
Honor a sister
“Sister Sue Pietrus welcomed me into choir and madrigals. She taught me to serve as a liturgical musician (a role that I hold to this day.) She introduced me to my lifelong friends, and directed me not only in musical, performances but in life. She taught me the meaning of Henry Van Dyke’s quote, ‘The Woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those who sang the best.'”
— Angela White, SMWC class of 1986, pictured center with Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, left, and the late Sister Sue Pietrus, right

Originally published in the Fall 2023 issue of HOPE magazine.