Of motorcycles and trains and blessings at the Woods

On the corner of Seventh Street and Wabash Avenue in Terre Haute, traffic was backed up and stopped due to one of our famous slow and very long trains which come through the city several times a day. But, in this case, it was an opportunity. We were stopped behind a motorcycle.
It’s important that you know that Sister Jan Craven was driving the car and I was the passenger. Immediately she said, “Hurry, get out and give the motorcycle guy a card for the upcoming motorcycle blessing!” Well, figuring that it wasn’t a California freeway, it seemed safe enough. So, I jumped out and handed the rider the announcement of the “Motorcycle Blessing and Barbecue” set for Saturday, May 6 at 11:30 a.m. He smiled, thanked me for it and put it in his jacket pocket as I hurried back to the car, just as the arms of the crossing went up and the lights stopped flashing.
Lest you think this was the first time we’ve done this, you would be wrong! One or both of us has gone into parking lots where there is a motorcycle or two to hand out the fliers. We’ve delivered the fliers to the local Harley Davidson store and to Thompson Motorsports. It raises a few heads when they hear, “Good afternoon, I’m a Sister of Providence from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and am wondering if you’re willing to give these fliers to your customers.” The answer is always, “Yes, of course!”
So, if you’re a motorcyclist or know someone who is, invite them to the Motorcycle Blessing and Barbecue on Saturday, May 6 at 11:30 a.m. Oh, by the way, if you want to join in the flier distribution campaign, just ask me for some promotion cards!!!

I love your evangelizing spirit!
I love this! It reminds me of when I went to a biker bar once to raise money for Child Abuse Awareness (if you’re looking for additional places to spread the word). Bikers are great, enthusiastic, and generous people!
Paula and Jan, Bet that biker had a great story to tell at supper that evening!
You will not be surprised, I am sure, that I have no difficulty visualising S. Jan and yourself approaching bikers or anyone else to invite them to activities at the Woods. You truly embody “All are welcome”. We admire and appreciate you.
Way to go, Jan and Paula. Yes, all are welcome and blessed. Thank you for your radical inclusiveness, based on Christ’s presence in you.