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Sisters of Providence, other Catholic Sisters in Indiana issue statement

Note: The Sisters of Providence, in conjunction with other Catholic Sisters in Indiana, have issued a statement regarding the upcoming midterm elections. Read the statement below.

Statement of Leaders of Catholic Sisters of Indiana

We decry the violent divisiveness that is characterizing our upcoming national elections, threatening the fundamentals of our democratic system of self-governance and the right of individuals to vote their conscience.

We call on people of goodwill throughout our state to honor and respect the human dignity of every person who exercises the right to vote in accordance with his or her own life experience and God-given conscience.

The elected leaders of the following Indiana congregations of Catholic Sisters issued the above statement:

Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters

Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ

Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

Sisters of St. Benedict of Beech Grove

Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis

Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg

Sisters of the Holy Cross

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Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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