Season of Creation 2022: Care for Creation Resources
Note: We are preparing to celebrate the Season of Creation (Sept. 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation through Oct. 4, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi). The Sisters of Providence Climate Change Task Force will share 10 blogs, with this being the fifth. We hope you enjoy the series!
Thankfully, we have abundant resources on Care for Creation/Climate Crisis. Below are some that we have found to be helpful.
There are so many more we could include. During the coming year, we can go to these sites to continue to be informed about climate crisis issues. Pick one in your preferred category and explore! Let us know your favorites that aren’t listed here and we can update and post this resource periodically.

Organization Websites
- Catholic Climate Covenant
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby
- EarthBeat (National Catholic Reporter)
- Faith In Place
- Franciscan Action Network
- Friends of the Earth
- Green Faith
- Ignatian Solidarity N
- Interfaith Power and Light
- Jesuits
- Laudato Si’ Movement
- Money saving guide to going green at home
- Purdue Global: 45 Sustainability Resources You Need To Know
- All We can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson; Katharine Wilkinson
- Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants, by Robin Kimmerer
- Care for Creation – A Franciscan Spirituality of the Earth, by Ilia Delio, O.S.F.
- Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, by Paul Hawken
- Ecology at the Heart of Faith: The Change of Heart That Leads to a New Way of Life on Earth, by Denis Edwards
- Food & Faith: Justice, Joy and Daily Bread, edited and compiled by Michael Schut
- Harm Not the Earth, by Megan McKenna (Scripture based)
- Love God, Heal Earth, by The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham
- Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World, by Katharine Hayhoe
- The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier and More Creative, by Florence Williams
- The Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si’, by Joshtrom Kureethadam
- This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs The Climate, by Naomi Klein
- Thomas Berry: Selected Writings on the Earth Community, edited by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
- Under the Sky We Make, by Kimberly Nicholas
For many more recommended books
Goodreads (more than 100 books)
Other Outstanding Authors: Jim Antal, David Attenborough, Thomas Berry, Sally Bingham, Margaret Bullitt-Jones, Judy Cannato, Rachel Carson, Christina Figueres, Bill Gates, Amitav Ghosh, Jane Goodall, Al Gore, Paul Hawkins, Dan Horan, Barbara Kingsolver, Naomi Klein, Elizabeth Kolbert, Anna Lappe, Frances Moore Lappe, Miriam Therese MacGillis, Joanna Macy, Sally McFague, Bill McKibben, Billy Nye, Michael Mann, Leah Shade, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Greta Thunberg, etc.
- A Life on Our Planet (David Attenborough)
- An Inconvenient Truth/An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (Al Gore – Amazon – Many formats for $2.99 and up)
- Climate Emergency (TV WETA, PBS and also Amazon)
- Don’t Look Up (Scientists praise Don’t Look Up as an ‘evocative’ climate change parable. Netflix)
Film Links with list of Films, etc.
- Best Environmental Films
- Netflix is celebrating Earth Month with a brand new collection on its platform. Titled “One World, Infinite Wonder,” the new collection features more than 170 titles that focus on the environment or climate change, from stand-up sets, nature documentaries and television dramas. The launch of the collection coincides with the release of “Our Great National Parks,” a new five-part documentary series executive produced and narrated by Barack Obama. A very rich resource.
- Feedspot
- 5 Climate Action Podcasts You Should Be Listening To
- Podcasts on Climate Change and the Environment
Ted Talks
- 7 Of The Best Ted Talks About Climate Change, including Katherine Hayhoe, Greta Thunberg, Mary Robinson, Katharine Wilkinson and others
- Must-Watch Ted Talks on Climate Change
- Climate Change Oh It’s Real
Now if you’re overwhelmed and have only four minutes, please watch this Ted Talk and together we’ll save our trees.
Action resources will follow in a later blog
Pray, Reflect, Act:
Fall in love with creation! Pray and reflect on the ways we’re already informed and taking action. Watch the mini Ted Talk cited above and save some trees. Each month, plan to check out one of the resources above and commit to an action – Personal, with Family and Friends, Local Community, or Advocacy on the local, national or global level.
Wow, this is such a fantastic resource!