You are invited to celebrate vows, share in a sister’s story

Join us virtually next week for two exciting opportunities celebrating some of our newer Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
At 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 26, you can join us via Livestream for our vows ceremony. Sister Corbin Hannah will professes perpetual vows becoming a fully professed Sister of Providence.
Tune in to the vows ceremony on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. by using this link: You can also use the link to view the liturgy for up to one month after, if you miss the live event.
A millennial shares her story
On Monday evening, July 27, at 8 p.m. Eastern time, Sister Tracey Horan will share her story of journeying to, and living as, a Sister of Providence. In One millennial’s journey to becoming a Sister of Providence, Sister Tracey will share her story through an interview conversation with Catholic blogger and speaker Kathryn Whitaker. After the interview, Sister Tracey will answer viewer questions live.

Tune in via Zoom webinar here or watch on Facebook Live@SistersofProvidence. Hear about Sister Tracey’s call as a 20-something woman to become a Sister of Providence. Learn about her ministry today, including her 2018 arrest when she joined other faith leaders in Indiana in protesting for the rights of DACA immigrants. And hear about Sister Tracey’s current ministry on the U.S./Mexico boarder.
We hope you can join us during these exciting events that will celebrate our newer Sisters of Providence!