Grumbling with Saint Mother Theodore
“Truly I have great need of prayers. I am quite a grumbler.”
— Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Me too, Saint Mother Theodore. Me too!
When I read this quote by Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, I am reminded once again why I love her so much. She is just so human. I can relate.
I too am quite a grumbler. When things don’t go as I planned. If something is inefficient or being done poorly. When I’m not feeling well. There are so many good reasons to grumble.
My penchant for complaining is something I’ve worked on improving. And perhaps I have gotten better: by trying to live in and appreciate the moment. By practicing thankfulness. By acknowledging the good.
But I will never walk in the way of perfection in this area, and so I turn to Saint Mother Theodore to pray for me. And to pray for all those who have to endure my grumbling.
Saint Mother Theodore, truly I have great need of your prayers. I am quite a grumbler.
I know I am in good hands. This saint understands.
Need prayers? The Sisters of Providence are always happy to pray for you! Send in your prayer request here. Or, if you would like, a sister can light a candle for you and pray for your request at the shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.
I can join the club!!!
I am part of that club too! Prayers from MTG are needed all way around., I think