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A new and improved SistersofProvidence.org

Have you been to the Sisters of Providence website lately? Perhaps you noticed a brighter, cheerier design? More user-friendly menus to get you where you need to go? Our recently redesigned website includes some neat, new features like “find a sister,” “search for a quote” and more.

Our goal was to “provide a welcoming, enjoyable, inspiring space for the Providence community to connect, collaborate and grow in order to be Providence wherever they are.” The Providence community is you, your family and friends — anyone who needs more love, mercy and justice in their lives or who wants to provide that to others.

Spend a few minutes or an hour checking out the new site. Did you know that our website is one of the most important ways that new people learn about the Congregation? Thousands of people visit it each month!

Look for these highlights:

1.  We have some key information from our site in Spanish and Mandarin. Click on the small buttons in the lower left-hand corner of the site to find them.

2.  No more hunting and pecking for a personal or group prayer or your favorite Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote! Search for words of inspiration (prayers, quotes, etc.) here: Inspiration Search

3.  Looking for a specific sister? Each current and recently deceased sister has a page on our site: Sister Profiles  We’ll be adding more information to these pages so stay tuned.

4.  Our mission statement is now located at the bottom of every page.

The Congregation worked closely with Christina Blust and Jessica Yaeger, a talented sister team and their company, Blustery Day Design. Christina has a long-standing relationship with the sisters, first as a Providence Volunteer Minister and then as a staff person with Mission Advancement for many years. She now lives in Tennessee but remains the webmaster for the Sisters of Providence.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on the new website! Drop me a note at dweidenb@spsmw.org

Please help us share the good news about the Sisters of Providence with your family and friends! SistersofProvidence.org


(Originally published in the Fall 2018 issue of HOPE magazine.)

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Diane Weidenbenner

Diane Weidenbenner is the annual fund manager and donor relations for the Sisters of Providence Advancement Services office. She's also a Providence Associate.

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