It’s school reunion time!
Picture it: You walk into the reunion venue, thinking to yourself that being there may not have been a good idea. You won’t remember anyone and they certainly won’t remember you. We certainly don’t look the same as we did back then or even since the last reunion.
Across the room, you catch the eye of a former classmate you haven’t seen in 30-plus years, not really sure she’s who you believe her to be. She’s thinking the same thing about you. Crossing the room, you meet in the middle, hug and the whole room becomes oblivious to you two.
Mealtime arrives and you sit together to continue the conversation. During the event, you talk with many other former classmates and hug, laugh and share stories of the shenanigans you remember as students and exchanging life changing events since graduation.

Attendees of the 2017 St. John Academy Reunion.
The program concludes, the school song sung and the final prayer is said. It’s time to leave and you hug each other again and promise to stay in touch. You depart, glad you decided to attend. In fact, you can hardly wait until the next reunion.
Last year saw many reunions hosted by various former Sisters of Providence school alumnae associations. Women gathered from all walks of life to celebrate a common bond – the Catholic education they received from the Sisters of Providence.
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin wrote: “Remember that you have not only to teach them how to sew, but also how to become meek, humble, patient, etc., and this kind of lesson is given much better by example than by precept. Be obedient, and above all, be patient.”
Is your school hosting a reunion this year? Be sure that your name and contact information is correct in our records so that you will receive a notification about your school or class reunion.
Check out the alumnae page on our website for details about all of the 2018 reunions. We also have posted pictures and stories about last year’s gatherings there.