News Notes
New Providence Associates
New Providence Associates making first commitments Nov. 18, 2017. From front row left: Annette Maggio, Patti Burris, Sandra Powell, Mary Bales, Bonnie Wilson, Theresa Tighe, Laura Dudkowski, Sarian Bouma, Cathy Dearing. Second row from left: Gail Smith, Eileen Horan, John Schleeter, Deanna Schleeter, Adriana Estringel with Director of Providence Associates Sister Diane Mason and Sisters of Providence General Officer Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp. Back row from left, Joe Horan, Ann Henderson, Anne Mosher, Peggy Stewart, Ryan Sheehy, Shawn Shamsaie, Katie Connolly and Providence Associate Assistant Director Debbie Dillow.
In October, Rohina Malik presented her one-woman play, “Unveiled.” This critically-acclaimed show, about five
Muslim women, was a very moving
experience for the audience. Both presentations were arranged by Sister Paula Damiano, SP, director of programming for Providence Spirituality & Conference Center.
Nursing and caring
Sister Josephine Bryan received the Florence Nightingale Award from the Diocese of San Bernardino, California, on Oct. 22, 2017. The award is presented to “a licensed nurse distinguished in the field or in a way that reflects Catholic values and moral ethics.” One of the doctors who nominated Sister Josephine said she “has cared for some of the most vulnerable populations I can think of, not just here in Southern California, but internationally in Vietnam … There she compassionately cared for GIs and the Vietnamese themselves. She continues to selflessly serve the poor and marginalized here in the High Desert. She is a team-player, who doesn’t just respect patients and families, but loves them!” Sister Josephine is shown here receiving the award from Bishop Gerald Barnes.
Marian pilgrimage
On Sept. 9 the Terre Haute Filipino community made a Marian Pilgrimage to the sacred shrines and spaces devoted to Mary at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. The gathering was held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Mary’s apparition in Fátima, Portugal. At each stop a different pilgrim led a portion of the rosary. The procession included the Statue of Our Lady of Victory, the Statue of Our Lady of Providence in Providence Park, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. All processed in silent prayer. The pilgrims walked to the Church of the Immaculate Conception to celebrate Mass. After Communion all children and teens placed a rose before the statue of Mary in the Church. The day concluded with a fabulous meal prepared by the Filipino community and shared with all participants and sisters.
Ministry in Taiwan
In October, General Officer Sister Jenny Howard visited Taiwan to receive an up-close view of many changes at Miracle Home, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence. Miracle Home serves low-income clients who are elderly or with disabilities. In this photo, Sister Rose Chiu, right, director of Miracle Home, is with her mother.
Young alpacas Lilah and Sullivan, with a little help from David Illyes and Tracy Wilson, greet people at the 2017 Hootananny in October. The Hootenanny featured live bands and delicious local BBQ and sides. Thank you to the many sponsors and those who attended!

Jan Phillips
Women speak
This fall the Sisters of Providence hosted two amazing women. Author, activist and artist, Jan Phillips, presented her two-day workshop, “No Time for Ordinary” in September. Those attending enjoyed her openness, honesty, and ability to share her vulnerability as she helped expand spiritual boundaries, encourage the flow of creative energy and discover a new vitality.

Rohina Malik
(Originally published in the Winter 2018 issue of HOPE magazine.)