What did you do today?
Dear friends:
“What did you do today?”
The next time you are asked this question, share that you helped provide a place of spiritual direction, healing and hope for more than 15,000 visitors, program participants, and pilgrims.

Candace Minster, White Violet Center garden manager, talks with a customer at the Terre Haute Downtown Farmers’ Market.
Tell them you helped develop sustainable means of farming by helping to expand and enhance the White Violet Center for Eco-Justice.
You helped care for our retired sisters and enabled the work of the many other ministries of the Sisters of Providence at the Woods, in our nation and around the world.
You helped promote vocations and the call to religious life.
You help every day when your gifts are used to continue the needed mission of the Sisters of Providence.
You are a friend to our mission and your gifts have impact on those we serve. We hope you will consider making a gift to help us continue our work as we bring love, hope and justice to our homes, community and our world.

Postulant Emily TeKolste exercising with the Providence Health Center.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you so feel free to make your donation online today. If you prefer, you can mail in your gift to: Mission Advancement – Summer Letter, Sisters of Providence, 1 Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876
Gratefully in Providence,
Sister Ann Casper
Executive Director, Mission Advancement
Congregation Profile:
Financial benefactors – 5,324
Professed Sisters – 297
Providence Associates – 223
Candidate Associates – 30
SP Volunteer Services – individuals/groups who volunteer regularly at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and in the Terre Haute area – 94/4
Board and committee lay members of the Congregation and of sponsored institutions/ministries – 160
Sisters of Providence staff members – 125
Prayer benefactors – your number is legion and we feel the power of your prayers daily!
P.S. Our full Annual Report is available online. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please call 812-535-2800.
The Sisters of Providence keep all benefactors, constituents, alumnae/i and companions in daily prayer.