Participate with us in Campaign Nonviolence Week

Join the Sisters of Providence this week by participating in Pace e Bene’s Campaign Nonviolence Week.
The Sisters of Providence invite all our partners in mission to join us in participating in Pace e Bene’s Campaign Nonviolence Week, Sept. 18-25, 2016.
Campaign Nonviolence is a long-term movement for a culture of peace and nonviolence free from war, poverty, racism, environmental destruction and the epidemic of violence.
As Sisters of Providence, we have experienced that praying and reflecting on our Litany of Nonviolence calls us to ongoing conversion. It challenges us to adopt those attitudes and actions that will bring about an authentic peace born of justice.
Therefore, we ask all our partners in mission to join us in daily praying the Litany of Nonviolence during this campaign week beginning Sunday, Sept. 18, through Sunday, Sept. 25. As you do so, you may wish to reflect on what part of that Litany is particularly challenging for you. You may also want to introduce this Litany to a friend, a relative, your church or workplace.
Litany of Nonviolence
Provident God,
aware of our own brokenness,
we ask the gift of courage
to identify how and where we are in need of conversion
in order to live in solidarity with all Earth’s people.
Deliver us from the violence of superiority and disdain.
Grant us the desire, and the humility,
to listen with special care to those
whose experiences and attitudes are different from our own.
Deliver us from the violence of greed and privilege.
Grant us the desire, and the will, to live simply
so others may have their just share of Earth’s resources.
Deliver us from the silence
that gives consent to abuse, war and evil.
Grant us the desire, and the courage,
to risk speaking and acting for the common good.
Deliver us from the violence
of irreverence, exploitation and control.
Grant us the desire, and the strength,
to act responsibly within the cycle of creation.
God of love, mercy and justice,
acknowledging our complicity
in those attitudes, action and words which perpetuate violence,
we beg the grace of non-violent hearts.