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Miracle Place is growing!

Miracle Place, in Indianapolis, is a ministry of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.

Miracle Place, in Indianapolis, is a ministry of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.

It just outgrew itself.

That’s what Sisters Rita Ann Wade and Barbara McClelland have said.

Recently, Miracle Place, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence based in Indianapolis, conducted an open house for its new building.

Sister Rita Ann and Sister Barbara – the co-directors of the ministry – said the new building was necessary.

Miracle Place has outgrown itself,” they said. “At this point, we average about 30 children each day in our afterschool program. However, we can have as many as 50 children. We definitely needed more space for the children’s programs.”

Sisters Rita Ann and Barbara said the new building was named Miracle Place Community Center as they hope to expand the ministry to include more family and neighborhood activities.

“Adult education, family strengthening classes, pitch-in meals, family movie and game nights, crafts and hobby sharing, Zumba and yoga classes were a few of the suggestions offered to us at a recent neighborhood meeting,” they said. “Since the new building has more open space, we’ll be able to provide for larger gatherings.

“Both buildings will be used as needed. Originally, we asked our Congregation leadership team if we could provide a ministry that will evolve to try to meet the needs of the neighborhood. The new Community Center is a step in our evolution!”

The open house took place on May 15, as approximately 200 people attended.

“It was a meaningful experience,” the sisters said. “It was touching to experience the unity so present in such a diverse group – a foretaste of what Heaven will be!”

Archbishop of Indianapolis Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., was one of the attendees at the open house.

“We were very gratified that Archbishop Tobin came to bless the new Miracle Place Community Center,” the sisters said. “It was an affirmation of our ministry as a work of the church. His personal presence with all of the people – rich and poor, Black, Hispanic and white, adults, teens and children – was beautiful to observe and left each one with a deepened sense of what it means to be Catholic and how much God cares for each person.”

Sister Jenny Howard, a member of the Sisters of Providence General Council, also attended the event.

“As Providence would have it, The Miracle Place celebration took place on Pentecost Sunday! It was so wonderful to see Sister Rita and Sister Barbara surrounded by so many Sisters of Providence, Providence Associates, and friends of Miracle Place,” Sister Jenny said. “This new Miracle Place Community Center is truly a result of the generosity and collaborative effort of so many. The Spirit of God’s Providence and the energy of gratitude and love were literally tangible in the presence of all those who gathered.”

“Mother Theodore was very present with us that day, as she has been from the beginning,” Sisters Rita Ann and Barbara added. “Her portrait hangs above the fire place in Miracle Place Community Center, reminding us to ‘have confidence in the Providence that so far has never failed us.’”

Miracle Place was created in 1999 and officially opened in August 2000.

Here is a video from the ceremony:

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Jason Moon

Jason Moon

Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.

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