Sculptures, picnics, Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates

From left, Providence Associates Sheila Donis, Teresa Clark and Peggy Balensuela stand in front of Teresa’s sculpture of Pope John Paul II at Resurrection Cemetery in Chicago.
Twelve Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates traveled from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods to Chicago on Memorial Day weekend with a fun picnic on the way.
We wanted to support our friend and Providence Associate, Teresa Clark. Teresa is an amazing sculptor. Her most recent work was dedicated at Resurrection Cemetery in Chicago on May 30.
The bronze statue of Saint Pope John Paul II is 20-foot tall and sits on an 8-foot granite base!
While in Chicago, the travelers visited Teresa’s other great statue of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin located at All Saints Cemetery.
The group was welcomed at Guerin and Francis Borgia convents for a comfortable night’s sleep.
We celebrated Sisters Marie Paul and Teresa Costello’s birthdays with a grand edible gift fruit basket of Sister Marie Paul’s.
After the Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cupich, and the dedication of the statue, we enjoyed another picnic and headed home to Indiana, stopping to sing a couple of fun songs and to taste a little ice cream.
Congratulations again to Teresa Clark!
Thanks, Sheila, for sharing the joy of the trip and Teresa Clark’s amazing statue of St. Pope John Paul II. Your words and pix captured the spirit of pilgrimage very well! Cathy Campbell, SP