Sisters of Providence honor Dr. Dottie King

On hand as the Sisters of Providence proclaimed Dr. Dottie King a “Wise Woman of the Woods,” were (from left) General Council members Sisters Jenny Howard, Lisa Stallings (Vicar), Mary Beth Klingel, General Superior Sister Denise Wilkinson, Dr. King, General Council member Sister Dawn Tomaszewski and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Board of Trustees Chair Randy Adams.
In recognition of her recently receiving Indiana’s Sagamore of the Wabash award, the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods General Council honored Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College President Dr. Dottie King as a “Wise Woman of the Woods.”
The General Council, including General Superior Sister Denise Wilkinson, and Sisters Mary Beth Klingel, Jenny Howard, Lisa Stallings (Vicar) and Dawn Tomaszewski presented Dr. King with the honor on Wednesday, May 11.
The Sagamore of the Wabash is one of the highest civilian honors bestowed in Indiana. The award was created during the term of Gov. Ralph Gates (1945-49). Past recipients include Ryan White (1987), David Letterman (2007) and Jeff Gordon (2015).
Dr. King – who is also a Providence Associate – came to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in 2002, serving as an associate professor of mathematics. During her time at the college, she has also served as chair of the sciences and mathematics department, as well as assistant dean and vice president for academic affairs.
She has served as the college president since 2011.
The proclamation offered by the sisters reads:
WHEREAS, the greatness of the Daughters and Sons of Mother Theodore derives, in part, from qualities possessed by the Holy Women who once walked these Woods; and
WHEREAS, it has been the immemorial custom of the Sisters of Providence to attract to their support those who have exhibited such qualities; and
WHEREAS, there has endeared herself to the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence one
Dottie L. King, Ph.D.
distinguished by her Humanity in Living, her Loyalty in Friendship, her Wisdom in Counsel, her Faithful Following of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, and her Inspiration in Leadership:
NOW, THEREFORE, recognizing her greatness and desiring to avail ourselves of her counsel, we do hereby appoint her a cherished colleague and friend with the rank and title of:
The Council also gave Dr. King a gift, a picture which included the words “Friends Forever.”
Well deserved and well-done! Congratulations, Dottie.