2015 Fall Providence Food Pantry update

Sisters Regina Marie McIntyre, Charles Van Hoy, Jean Fuqua and Margaret Quinlan (from left) volunteer at Providence Food Pantry.
The number of families continuing to utilize Providence Food Pantry is rapidly growing.
The pantry – a ministry of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods – recently saw a significant increase in families.
During the first week of August, 103 families stopped by the pantry. Throughout August, a total of 348 families paid a visit, or a total of 1,301 people.
“That is the most families we have had in 21 years,” said Sister Joseph Fillenwarth, director of the pantry. “All of the community donations we have received have helped everyone get their food.”
So far this year, more than 300 families have visited the food pantry each month with the exception of February. In addition, Sister Joseph said 347 families were at the pantry during May.
During the first week of September, 89 families utilized the pantry. If that number stays the same through the month, the pantry will see more than 350 families.
But Providence is not failing the pantry, Sister Joseph said, adding that through donations, she was able to purchase 2,000 jars of peanut butter from the West Terre Haute IGA for $1 each.
“God is providing,” Sister Joseph said.
The pantry continues to receive donations from various entities and community residents.
Saint Mary’s Village Parish sponsored a “Hunger Bust Fun Run/Walk,” on Saturday, Sept. 12, at the campus of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, with all proceeds going to the pantry.
The pantry is located at 707 W. National Ave., West Terre Haute. It is open from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., every Thursday. All those interested in utilizing the pantry must live in West Terre Haute.
Sponsors for the pantry include The Helping Hands, First Assembly of God Church, Bethany United Church of Christ, Bethesda United Methodist Church, Christ United Methodist Church, First United Methodist Church, Smith Park United Methodist Church, St. Mark’s United Church of Christ, St. Mary’s Village Parish, Emmanuel United Methodist Church, Trinity Church, The Sisters of Providence and West Terre Haute IGA.
For more information, call Sister Joseph at 812-535-2544 or email jfillenwarth@spsmw.org.