The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are a community of vowed Catholic women religious. Inspired by our foundress Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, we are passionate about our lives of prayer, education, service and advocacy.
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Live joyfully! Single, Catholic women ages 18-42 are invited to explore a fulfilling life as a Sister of Providence. All women and men of faith are invited to join the family of Providence as Providence Associates.
Sister Regina Norris helps a little boy with his reading in 2014 from the parlor in her home, Providence Hall.
A clipping from the local newspaper in 1999 shows some of the Educational/Family Services volunteers (then under the umbrella ministry of Providence Self-Sufficiency Ministries) at a Tutor Appreciation Dinner.
A volunteer tutors a student after school in 2012.
EFS Director Penny Sullivan prepares to be interviewed by the local news during an open house for the ministry in 2010.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College student Tiffany Winhold helps a student with his math after school at EFS in 2010.
A Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College student helps a student with his homework through EFS in 2012 in Hulman Hall.
A Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College student volunteers in 2011 to help a boy with his homework after school.
Sister Joseph Fillenwarth tutors a student in 2011.
EFS Director Penny Sullivan works with an adult student in 2013.
Randi Everett, then-administrative assistant at EFS, helps a student with his homework in 2008 while his sister looks on.
Educational/Family Services Director Penny Sullivan works with an adult student in 2008.
Sister Mary Pat Peacock (RIP) helps a little girl with her reading in 2011.
Mickie Lane Fredericks, assistant education coordinator, works with some students outside at Educational/Family Services in the summer of 2000.
Providence Associate Judi Collins helps run a bake sale to raise funds for Educational/Family Services in 2013.
Mickie Lane Fredericks tutors a child after school in 2002.
Sister Elizabeth Meyer helps a boy with his reading at EFS in 2008.
Sister Charles Van Hoy and another volunteer tutor meet their tutoring students at the bus stop in front of the Educational/Family Services building in 2012.
Math help 2012.
Sister Mary Tomlinson, development director for Guerin Outreach Ministries, offers support to Penny Sullivan, right, the program’s director, in 2013.
Then-Director of Educational/Family Services Sister Margaret Quinlan works with an adult student in 2000.
Sister Marilyn Therese Lipps tutors a girl at EFS in 2002.
Sister Mary Ann Lechner volunteers helping a girl with her homework at EFS in 2012.
Sister Joseph Fillenwarth still busy helping her same student with her homework a year later in 2012.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College students volunteer helping Educational/Family Services’ students after school in the College’s Hulman Hall in 2011.
Sister Frances Joan Baker (RIP) tutors a young man after school at EFS in 2005.
Helping out with a “drive and dine” lunch fundraiser for EFS in 2011 are, from left, Sister Charles Van Hoy, Penny Sullivan, Randi Everett and Sister Mary Pat Peacock.
From left: Current EFS Director Penny Sullivan, previous EFS Director Sister Margaret Quinlan and volunteer Sister Suzanne Buthod help out at a “drive and dine” fundraiser for EFS.
Volunteer tutor Ron Horndasch, right, helps adult student Dale Howk prepare for the military’s ASVAB entrance test in 2011.
Double the math. Sister Charles Van Hoy works with twin students in 2008 in the after school tutoring program for EFS.
A lot of learning happened here. The “House on 150,” located just outside the north gates to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, housed the ministry at Educational/Family Services.
Volunteer Tom Milner tutors Brandi Reed in 2009.
Just months before her death, Sister Jean Arkenberg (RIP) was still serving strong as a tutor at Educational/Family Services in 2008. She had tutored there for at least 10 years.
Sister Jean Arkenberg (RIP) helps a little girl with her reading in 2006.
Sister Charles Van Hoy tutors a little girl in 2012.
Sister Ruth Sampson (RIP) tutors a student after school in 2011
Sister Rita Clare Gerardot tutors a young boy at Educational/Family Services in 2005.
Sister Margaret Quinlan tutors an adult in 2005 from a Terre Haute, Indiana, service agency.
Amy Miranda is a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence and a staff member in their Advancement Services office. Amy is a 1998 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She currently manages the SP publication HOPE and works on marketing support for Providence Associates, new membership and Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.
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