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Statement of Catholic Theologians on Racial Justice

sister marie mccarthy blog pic 003In recent months, we have seen – in our nation – an eruption of long simmering racial tensions.

We have seen, one after another, unarmed African American people being shot and killed by police, violent and non-violent protests against racial profiling and the excessive use of force by police, the failure of grand juries to bring indictments against offending officers, and the slaughter of two New York City police officers.

These are not new problems. They are the eruption of long simmering, deep seated and deeply buried attitudes, fears and hatreds.

As persons dedicated to furthering God’s providential care of all, as persons deeply committed to living in the world in a way that models non-violence, we are called at this particular moment in time to examine our attitudes, to work tirelessly to uproot the unacknowledged racism and white privilege that lurk within us, and to take concrete action to bring about a more just society.

If ever there were a time when peacemakers and reconcilers are needed, it is now.

You can see the public statement developed and signed by more than 300 Catholic theologians.

It offers much food for thought and invites us to a deep and thorough examination of conscience coupled with concrete action for a change in our world.

We invite you to spend time over the next several months reading, reflecting on, and praying with this statement, praying for the grace of personal conversion, and joining with others to take effective action for the undoing of racism within ourselves, our communities and our nation.

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Sister Marie McCarthy

Sister Marie McCarthy

Sister Marie has been a Sister of Providence since 1960. She has ministered as a music teacher and in pastoral theology, working as a pastoral psychotherapist. She was a member of the Sisters of Providence Leadership Team for 15 years. Sister Marie currently ministers as the program director for the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.

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  1. Tracey Horan Tracey Horan on January 7, 2015 at 9:17 am

    Thanks, S. Marie. I appreciate the emphasis on interior work coupled with action…Both are so needed! Glad to know we can support one another as we navigate how we are called to the “undoing of racism” as you said.

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