Miracle Place – Fiesta Friday! Big Announcement!
On Friday, Oct. 4, Miracle Place, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence, celebrated the 13th Annual Fiesta Friday Benefit Event with nearly 500 friends in attendance.
Miracle Place, co-founded in 2000 by Sister Rita Ann Wade and Sister Barbara McClelland, is located in the neighborhood of Tenth and Rural streets in Indianapolis and offers educational opportunities, as well as cultural experiences, for their neighbors of various ages.

Sister Rita Ann Wade and Sister Barbara McClellend, co-founders of Miracle Place in Indianapolis, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence.
Miracle Place is a stable presence in this neighborhood constantly changing. Having visited Miracle Place many times, it is always a joy for me to watch as 40-50 children and young people, ranging in age from kindergarten through high school, stream into this welcoming environment after their day at school. Once assembled, they gather for prayer and a short meeting before spreading out to various areas for a variety of possible activities — assistance with homework, music class, exercise work-outs, board games, or “shooting-hoops” in the backyard.
During the day, when the students are in school, Miracle Place hosts weekly activities for seniors and always is a friendly place for neighbors to connect. In addition to the leadership of the sisters, Miracle Place is blessed with staff and numerous volunteers of all ages who are invaluable in creating a warm and friendly “place” for all.
As one might imagine, over these 13 years the number of children participating in Miracle Place activities continues to rise , and so the need for space has grown as well. So, what’s the big announcement? “As Providence would have it,” the lot next door has become available.
At this year’s Fiesta Friday Event great excitement and enthusiasm greeted the announcement of the “Build a Miracle” capital campaign to raise funds to meet the growing needs of Miracle Place by expanding the current building.
Sister Barbara and Sister Rita speak often of their unfailing trust in the Providence of God and of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, as well as of their immense gratitude for the generous gifts of time, talent and treasure offered by so many friends of Miracle Place which keep the Miracles alive!
For more information regarding Miracle Place, please contact Sister Rita and Sister Barbara at info@amiracleplace.org.
Dear Sister Barbara & Sister Rita:
One of my friends and neighbor, Mrs. Gail Schaefer, whose words and actions of compassion reflect the power of Divine Providence of Love. I am informed that she has been a supporter of your ministry for sometime. I intend to join the rank of supporters to your ministry with her and others.
Please, guide me the channel/address through which I can start making support contributions. I will be sending check from time to time when I can.
Thank you.
(PS) Due to hearing impairment I can not carry conversation on the phone. I use i-Phone Texting for time-sensitive communication. My i-Phone No: (317) 989-0608