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Nuns of the Battlefield

“Nuns of the Battlefield” was written by Ellen Ryan Jolly and originally published in 1927. This monograph highlights the women’s religious congregations that ministered to soldiers during the Civil War.

In the foreward, William A. Hickey, then-bishop of Providence, R.I., penned: “It [this book] merits the careful reading of all who have any interest in the subject of the patriotism of the Catholics of America. This fervent, warm-hearted Irish-American woman gives us this tale of heroism and devotion after her own earnest manner, and no one will say that the story has lost aught in the telling.”

The Sisters of Providence are included in this book in chapter 20.

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Connie McCammon

Connie McCammon worked in the communications office for the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

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