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Sister Stella Marie Langdale
Sister Stella Marie, Mary Langdale, died at Providence Infirmary, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, on Friday, March 17, 1978, at 3:20 p.m.

Wake services took place on Sunday evening, March 19, at 7 p.m. The funeral liturgy was offered at 10 a.m., Monday morning, March 20, by Father Bernard, O.S.B., followed by burial in the convent cemetery.
Born in Washington, D.C., on September 24, 1893, she attended grade school at Notre Dame School, Washington, D.C., and high school at Villa Marie, Richmond, Va. She began college work at Trinity College of which she was a devoted alumna.
Her parents were John Langdale and Josephine A. Ryan. Sister Stella Marie entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Providence on June 29, 1915, pronounced her first vows on August 15, 1918, and final vows on August 15, 1924.
During a teaching career of more than 40 years, Sister taught in some parochial schools staffed by the Sisters of Providence in Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, and also at St. Ann’s in Washington, D.C., Holy Redeemer in College Park, St. Clement in Lansdowne, and Ascension School in Halethorpe, Md. For the past 15 years, she has been retired to the Motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
Sister Stella Marie is survived by one sister, Miss Elizabeth Langdale, who resides at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods; and by a cousin, Mrs. John J. Reynolds of Arlington, Va.

The death certificate signed by Dr. K.G. Wakim, who had attended her, gave the cause of death as myocardial failure as a result of severe generalized arteriosclerotic heart disease.
Sister Stella Marie had a charming graciousness. Her gentleness was evidence of a careful training. She had a certain aristocratic air, though she had nothing proud about her. Her sweet smile and general manner were very winning. Increasing hearing conditions made her dependent on others. She had to walk with a cane support. She explained that while skating as a young girl, she had injured her ankle. At first, a slight lameness was the only consequence, but in later years, the injury worsened and necessitated a cane. She was a gentle person, thoughtful and considerate of others, much loved by the Sisters who recognized the refined “southern lady.” She carried out her religious duties with love and devotion.
May she rest in peace!
This is her complete ministry:
In Indiana: Teacher, St. Agnes, Indianapolis (1921-22); Teacher, Sacred Heart, Evansville (1922-24); Teacher, St. Charles, Peru (1935-36); Teacher, St. Joan of Arc, Indianapolis (1946-47); Teacher, St. Augustine, Fort Wayne (1947-51); Teacher, St. Simon, Washington (1961-63); Teacher, Holy Family, Jasper (1963-64); Providence Retirement Home, New Albany (1964-65).
In Illinois: Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows, Chicago (1917-21); Teacher, St. Genevieve, Chicago (1924-25); Teacher, Maternity BVM, Chicago (1925-27); Teacher, St. Agnes, Chicago (1932-33); Teacher, St. Genevieve, Chicago (1936-38); Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows, Chicago (1945-46); Teacher, St. Athanasius, Evanston (1951-53).
In Massachusetts: Teacher, Sacred Heart, Malden (1927-32); Teacher, Sacred Heart, Malden (1933-35).
In Washington, D.C.: Teacher, St. Ann (1938-42); Teacher, St. Ann (1957-58).
In Maryland: Teacher, Holy Redeemer, Berwyn (1942-43); Teacher, St. Clement (Lansdowne (1953-54); Teacher, Ascension, Halethorpe (1954-57); Teacher, Holy Redeemer, College Park (1958-61).
In North Carolina: Teacher, St. Patrick, Fayetteville (1943-45).
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