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Simon and Daisy

Simon helps Daisy.

Simon helps Daisy.

A “cute pet” video has been making the rounds lately. It is aptly titled “Daisy the Puppy Can’t Quite Figure Out Stairs — Simon Shows Her How,” and once you’ve read the title, you pretty much know the whole plot.

It seems Daisy, a weeks-old puppy has made it to the top of a half-flight of stairs but lacks the courage and skill to make it back down. Simon, a slightly older pup, takes on the role of guide and cheerleader, demonstrating his down-the-stairs technique, offering to make the trip with Daisy, and finally nudging and encouraging the younger dog until she’s able to follow his example.

The aw factor is high, no doubt about it. Who can resist Daisy’s puppy whine and apparent inability to control her legs or her fear? And who doesn’t recognize in Simon a strange and lovable mixture of adolescent swagger [look what I can do?] and tender-hearted solicitude?

Cuteness aside, Daisy and Simon brought me to a reflection on mentors. What a grace it is to have people in our lives who know when to demonstrate, when to nudge, when to encourage, who have known what we needed to learn and how we needed to learn it. Today might be a good day to watch Simon and Daisy on the stairs and think about our own teachers, our guides, our cheerleaders.

For you who have been and are Simons to me, who have endured my whining, who may want to shove me down the stairs at times but instead show me the way with patience and grace — you know who you are — thanks.

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Sister Lisa Stallings

Sister Lisa Stallings

Sister Lisa serves as vicar of the Sisters of Providence leadership team. After teaching junior high and high school, she spent twenty years ministering in music and worship in parishes in Chicago, Kentucky and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

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