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26 results

Topic: peace


Prayer for peace within a family

Turn us toward one another to see the hurting humans we are.
Oh God, be present in our family. Make peace possible.

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Prayer for Peace and Healing

May we never remain complacent, frustrated and hopeless.

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“Peace of heart is superior to anything of which you may be deprived. Do not lose it then for nothing.”

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“ assured that in leaving the past to the mercy of God and the future to [God's] Providence you will derive from your offering very great peace and very great consolation.”

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“Let not a cross look or a word vex you; no, nothing in the world is worth losing our peace for...”

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“Be joyful, amiable toward each other. Have nothing on your conscience to trouble you.”

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“Be humble, simple and frank, and you will live in peace with yourselves, and you will be happy.”

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“It would seem that God wished to give us a symbol of the Christian's day of rest by the calm of nature.”

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“Oh, how good a thing is silence.”

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“Another means for preserving peace is to let little things pass without noticing them.”

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“... I now await in peace whatever it may please Our Lord to ordain for the future.”

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“[Jesus] remains with us day and night, Yes, while you are peacefully sleeping, Jesus is watching over you. He does not sleep when we sleep.”

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Quote of the day

July 4
Independence Day
“Besides the admirable union that exists between persons of different nationalities, of dispositions so opposite, some well informed, others without education, there is also...a great spirit of faith, of piety and a confidence in God which goes as far, I believe, as it can go.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin