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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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4 results

Topic: flowers


“How bountifully [God] provides for all our wants - I would even say for our pleasures!”

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“We have gone out several times this summer to gather simples and linden blossoms, etc. In each excursion we discover something marvelous, beautiful, and useful in the magnificent forests of Indiana.”

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God of Surprises

Did you know that God has a playful side? If not why would God have created vast galaxies — miniscule cells, prickly bushes — lamb’s ear plants …

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Dandelion Prayer

UnwelcomedSave by children,Dandelion,I declare youPatron flowerOf prophets. Who wouldBelieve such powerLies withinThe beautyOf your softGeometric fluffPosed to takeA rideOn the windAnd land inUninvited places?

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Quote of the day

September 7
“Up to this time you have not known how to deal with a person who is in the wrong. Perhaps you are not able to do so. I must not myself require from you more than you can give.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin