Stories about

Meet a Providence Associate

Meet Providence Associate Gene Majewski

By Amy Miranda | June 16, 2018 |

I have been a person who has always appreciated working with others in a community context. Being in relationship with the Sisters of Providence allows a mutual support in mission at Guerin College Prep High School and beyond.

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Get to know Providence Associate Li-Chih (Maria) Wang Fan

By Amy Miranda | June 7, 2018 |

Being a Providence Associate means that I am a daughter of my Mother Theodore. I live, grow up, and grow older with my family, the Sisters of Providence. “Love, mercy and justice” are the family’s root values and the foundation of our education.

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Providence Associate Co-Director Debbie Dillow

By Amy Miranda | April 18, 2018 |

There is a sense of community among the associates and sisters in this relationship. We support each other via prayer, local gatherings in circles and virtually as we add to our spirituality. This is a journey not only with the Divine but also with people of like mind. As Providence Associates we bring love, mercy and justice to the people we encounter in our everyday lives.

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Providence Associate Ann Henderson: connected by Providence, justice

By Lori Strawn | February 24, 2018 |

I would say that if you are looking for a connection with people who care deeply about intimacy with God by following Jesus and standing with those of the edge of society, then become a Providence Associate!

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Get to know Providence Associate Shawn Shamsaie: through adversity to Providence

By Lori Strawn | February 3, 2018 |

“When I arrived in the USA, I wasn’t angry or sad. I just felt lost. I learned that the future is never certain, and in order to make it, I must push forward.”

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Led by Providence to educate and serve: Diana Garza, PA

By Lori Strawn | January 11, 2018 |

As a Providence Associate, you become part of a community of strong, progressive women religious, and you help promote the Sisters of Providence’s mission of love, mercy, and justice in service among God’s people.

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“Providence has always guided my life”: Providence Associate Rae Huffman

By Lori Strawn | November 3, 2017 |

“I was invited to begin the process to learn about Providence and what it would mean to be in relationship to the sisters. I felt that my prayers had been answered,” says Providence Associate Rae Huffman. “I learned that there are many ways to follow the call of Providence and have a connection to the Sisters of Providence.”

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Faithfulness and God’s mission: a Foundation Day reflection

By Dr. Dottie King | October 22, 2017 |

I find strength in the passages written by Mother Theodore that are oft quoted and perhaps even more so in the lesser-known stories of her day-to-day life. She walked the grounds of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and cared so much for the fledgling school, its students and the teachers. I believe that her prayers are still with us and perhaps with me in a special way because I now watch over the school that she created.

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Providence Associate Arthur Snyder: a rewarding faith journey with the Sisters of Providence

By Lori Strawn | April 26, 2017 |

I have been mentored and learned a great deal about spirituality and life in general. I now know the real importance of living a life based on love, mercy and justice — not just the meaning of the words.

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Justice advocates and Providence Associates

By Sister Donna Butler | January 11, 2017 |

Providence Associates Jeanne Rewa and Ben Kite’s work for justice has been multifaceted. Racial justice, civil rights, gender equality, LGBT rights, School of Americas, criminal justice reform, animal rights, and environment, including climate change, are only some of the issues addressed. In working for social justice, their strategies model just and nonviolent relationships with persons of very different perspectives.

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Deep love and healing

By Sister Emily TeKolste | December 20, 2016 |

To hear Ezra Kyle Meadors talk about his history with the Sisters of Providence is to feel his deep love for the community, Mother Theodore and the sisters and his gratitude for the strain of Providence running through his life.

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Meet Debbie Dillow, assistant director of Providence Associates

By Amy Miranda | April 24, 2016 |

Your name and title: Debbie Dillow, PA, assistant director of Providence Associates Tell us about yourself, your family, etc. I live in a small condo community west of Indianapolis with…

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Providence Associates are diverse individuals. Women and men of faith walking with the Sisters of Providence on their journey with God. Get to know a little about these individual Providence Associates and how they live out their Providence journeys.

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