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Ask Sister Dina: Why do some sisters change their names?

By Sister Dina Bato | September 15, 2020 |

After Vatican II, however, with its emphasis on the universal call to holiness of all the baptized, some Congregations allowed their members to either keep their religious name or return to their baptismal name.

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Ask Sister Dina: Why is the general superior no longer called “Mother”?

By Sister Dina Bato | August 13, 2020 |

A shift occurred after Vatican Council II (1962-1965). Religious institutes began looking into their histories to make changes that brought them back to their founders’ intentions for their communities.

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Ask Sister Dina: how long does it take to become a sister?

By Sister Dina Bato | August 7, 2020 |

The process of becoming a sister can be long. A person has to dedicate themselves to listening in love to where God may be calling.

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Ask Sister Dina: How many Sisters of Providence are there and what are their roles?

By Sister Dina Bato | July 18, 2020 |

This is the first in our column series of “Ask Sister Dina.” Sister Dina Bato, SP, is now answering your questions about spirituality, being a sister today, justice, you name it, here on the Sisters of Providence blog.

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