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Light a Candle
We are here for you!
“And so the most pressing desire of the hearts of your Daughters of the Woods is to pray for you with all the fervor of which they are capable, not only on the first of the year, but every day of their lives”
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

We all need a little extra help and support sometimes. The Sisters of Providence would be honored to light a candle and pray for you and your loved ones.
Use the form below to let us know how we can pray for you. After your request is received a sister will light a candle in either the Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin or the National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence and pray for your intentions.
Because we must purchase the large, 5-day candles that we light, we ask that you consider helping us cover the cost by donating $5 per candle using the form below. The Sisters are always happy to take your prayer request, without the purchase of a candle, using the form here.
Submit your online request
Mail your request
If you would prefer to mail in your request download and print the form below.
Are you seeking a deeper relationship with God?
The Sisters of Providence have certified Spiritual Directors to help guide you.