Sister Susanne Gallagher
Formerly Sister James

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Sister Susanne is currently in between ministries. Prior to that, she ministered as the Associate Director for the Archdiocesan Special Religious Development Agency (SPRED) in Chicago.
The SPRED ministry helps welcome and prepare persons with developmental disabilities to participate in the liturgical life of the parish.
Sister Susanne, formerly Sister James, entered the Congregation in 1957.
She’s also been a teacher in Terre Haute, New Hampshire and Chicago.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and master’s degrees in religious education from Loyola University, Chicago, and special education from Northern Illinois University.
Sister Susanne is a native of Chicago and a fan of the Chicago White Sox.
Read more
Sister Susanne is featured in the following content on the Sisters of Providence website:
- Putting a face on the Foley Legacy Fund
- Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
- Sister Susanne Gallagher creates home all around her
- Sister Susanne Gallagher
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