Sister profile

Sister Mary Viola Burke

Sister Mary Viola was born on February 6, 1885 and died on October 4, 1968.


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Sister Mary Viola Burke was born Anna Marie on Feb. 6, 1885. She died on Oct. 4, 1968. She was 83 years old and had been a Sister of Providence for 62 years.

Sister Mary Viola entered the Congregation on May 18, 1906. She professed first vows in 1908 and final vows in 1918.

Sister Mary Viola graduated from the Academy at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She also earned collegiate degrees from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

She ministered as a teacher in Indiana and Illinois. In addition, Sister Mary Viola ministered as the secretary of admissions at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College from 1926-1950. Her final teaching ministry was at Marywood in Evanston, Illinois, before she was forced to retire due to failing eyesight and hearing.

She had 23 poems published in the book, “Thoughts for You and Me.” Five of Sisters of Providence also had published works in the book. You can access her piece, “A Marian Litany” here.


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