Sister Eleanor Bussing
Sister Eleanor was born on October 3, 1923 and died on September 25, 2004.

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Sister Eleanor was born Eleanor Francis on Oct. 3, 1923. She died on Sept. 25, 2004. She was 81 years old and had been a Sister of Providence for 63 years.
Sister Eleanor entered the Congregation on Jan. 5, 1941. She professed first and final vows on Aug. 15, 1943 and 1949, respectively.
Sister Eleanor ministered in schools in North Carolina, Illinois and Indiana. She also ministered as activities director at Providence Retirement Home in New Albany, Ind., before beginning a ministry as supervisor of open study at Mother Theodore Guerin High School in River Grove, Ill., for 11 years. She then joined her sister, Sister Richard, in Montana, ministering as a tutor and home visitor before returning to the Woods in 2000.
It was said that Sister Eleanor was a “welcoming person with whom one felt immediately at ease.”
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