Sister Carolyn Bouchard

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Sister Carolyn was born in Long Beach, Calif. Currently, she ministers in residential services, technology services and woodworking at the Woods.
Sister Carolyn entered the Congregation on Aug. 15, 1984, from St. Anthony Claret Parish, Fullerton, Calif. She professed final vows on Aug. 12, 1995.
She received an associate’s degree in pre-school education from Fullerton Community College and also has a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Marian University in Indianapolis. Sister Carolyn also has a master’s degree in pastoral care/counseling from the Christian Theology Seminary in Indianapolis and a Masters of Arts in Pastoral Theology from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Sister Carolyn has ministered in Indiana and Virginia.
Sister Carolyn Bouchard
All Ministries
Evansville, Ind.: Youth Minister, Holy Redeemer Parish (1987-88)
Indianapolis: Assistant Director/Resident Services, Simeon House (1988-89)
Lawrence, Ind.: Pastoral Associate, St. Lawrence Parish (1989-96)
Newport News, Va.: Director of Healing Ministries, Marriage Prep and Vocations, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (2002-08)
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Re-accreditation Coordinator, Woods Day Care/Pre-School (2009-10)
Williamsburg, Va.: Coordinator of Healing Ministry, Elder Care, Marriage Prep and Enrichment, St. Bede Catholic Church (2011-14)
Jasper, Ind.: Director of Healing Ministry, St. Joseph Catholic Church (2015-17)
Read more
Sister Carolyn is featured in the following content on the Sisters of Providence website:
- Sister Carolyn Bouchard’s woodshop: a place of creativity and prayer
- Remembering sisters’ loving response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic
- Sister Dina Bato
- Pianos and Dina
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