Sister Agnes Maureen Badura
Sister Agnes Maureen was born on April 3, 1930 and died on September 24, 2022.

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Sister Agnes Maureen was a native of Chicago. Her final ministry was in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Agnes Maureen entered the Congregation on July 22, 1947 and professed final vows on Jan. 23, 1955.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. She also earned a master’s degree in mathematics from Marquette University. She taught in various cities in Illinois, Indiana, California, Florida, Oklahoma, and Washington, D.C.
Sister Agnes Maureen Badura
Complete ministry
In Illinois: Teacher, St. Mary Carmelite, Joliet (1950); Teacher, St. Angela, Chicago (1955-58); Teacher, Marywood, Evanston (1965-69); Teacher, Mother Theodore Guerin High School, River Grove (1980-84); Teacher, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1980-84); Personnel Benefits Clerk, Our Lady of Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago (1989-93); Human Resources Associate-Benefits, Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago (1993-95); Coding Technician, Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago (1995); Volunteer, Business Office, SPRED Agency, Chicago (2002-2011).
In Indiana: Teacher, St. Philip Neri, Indianapolis (1958-61); Sprcial Projects Assistant, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Central Business Office (1995-96); Staff, Central Business Office, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1996-2001); Volulnteer, Wabash Valley Health Center, Terre Haute (2012-2014); Residential Services, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2014-2021); Prayer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2021-2022).
In Washington, D.C.: Teacher, Immaculata Prep (1961-65); Teacher, Immaculata Prep (1969-79).
In California: Teacher, St. Therese, Alhambra (1950-51); Provincial Treasurer, St. Michael Provincial House, Tustin (1984-87); Teacher, Chaminade College Prep, West Hills (1987-88).
In Florida: Teacher, Rosarian Academy, West Palm Beach (1988-89).
In Oklahoma: Teacher, Corpus Christi, Oklahoma City (1951-54).
Read more
Sister Agnes Maureen is featured in the following content on the Sisters of Providence website:
- Imogen Anderson: The exceptional exception to the rule
- Passing the baton
- Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
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