Home » Prayers » Prayer for those grieving the loss of a beloved parent


Prayer for those grieving the loss of a beloved parent

Beloved parent: It will take me a lifetime to say goodbye.
And yet, you will never leave me,
bound up, as you are, in the very threads
of my being, in the shape of my face,
in the way I stand and smile and speak.
I miss you.

I miss your voice on the other end of the line.
I miss your advice. I will surely stumble without it.
I miss the you-ness of you. I wish I could hug you again.

Pray for me, my beloved parent,
from your place, which is surely with God,
for the strength to go on without you.

Help me access what you’ve taught me,
and be the person you want me to be.
Wait for me. With love and luck,
I’ll be with you again.
Until then, remember: I love you.


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Lori Strawn

Lori Strawn

Providence Associate Lori Strawn is a freelance writer and editor who lives in Witchita, Kansas. A 1987 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Lori formerly served on the advisory board for the Providence Associates.

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