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Prayer for Moms and Dads

Loving God,

Cast your gleaming light upon all of us Moms and Dads
as we walk the most demanding journey of all.

Pour into us unimaginable love and ready us
to nurture the children You entrust to our care.

Send insight and understanding
as little ones grow.

Send judgment and wisdom to know
when to praise and when to correct.

And when they are grown, bestow on us the peacefulness that
we did as we were able and that it was enough.


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Sister Mary Tomlinson

Sister Mary Tomlinson

Sister Mary Tomlinson has been a Sister of Providence for 30 years. She is currently retired and ministers doing freelance grant writing work. Sister Mary works from a home base in the Chicago area where she lives near her son and his family, including her four granddaughters.

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