A Blessing on Our Homes
O Provident God,
we ask that you bless and protect our homes
and all who come and go from them.
May our homes be filled with welcome
for family and stranger alike.
May our homes know joy, laughter, support
and acceptance within their walls.
May all homes filled with illness or grief
feel the warmth of your compassion and care.
May all homes filled with anger and abuse know
your healing and return to right relationships.
May all homes filled with financial stress know
relief from such burdens and worries.
Increase in us a desire to be one
with You, with one another and with all creation.
— Sister Ann Casper
Sister Ann Casper has been a Sister of Providence for 60 years in 2016. She enjoys writing, including items of a spiritual nature.
(This article reprinted from the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE)
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