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Marilyn Webb: my own spirituality has been enriched

Marilyn Webb (center) is flanked by Carol Passmore (left) and Mildred Brady.

Marilyn Webb resides in Brownsburg, which is just west of Indianapolis. She works part-time for her parish, St. Malachy Church in Brownsburg. Marilyn’s ministry includes working with adult faith formation, including helping with the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), Bible studies and support groups. She is also involved with Contemplative Outreach of Indianapolis and she does spiritual direction. Previously she was a school psychologist in Crawfordsville, Ind. Marilyn has one adult son.

1.) What is your connection to the Sisters of Providence?

I have been “connected” to the Sisters of Providence for most of my life. My mother was a graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, and we visited there and spent time with the sisters often during my childhood. I attended a Sisters of Providence high school and also went to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for college. During these years I believe the sisters were role models, counselors, teachers, mentors and confidantes. I have always admired their energy and enthusiasm for life and for constructive change.

2.) What was your spiritual journey like last year as you and your companion, Sister Barbara Reder, went through the Spiritual Integration Units?

The time I spent working on the Spiritual Integration Units with Sister Barbara Reder was wonderful. The units gave us much to discuss and really helped us form a bond that encouraged my association with the Sisters of Providence. The integration units were so well written and taught me so much of the history of the sisters, as did the book “Love, Mercy and Justice: A Book of Practices of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.” I think Sister Barbara benefited also from the units. I found it very helpful that working through these units fit so well into my own spiritual life. It did not seem that I was adding something brand new to my life but that what I was learning and discussing with Sister Barbara enriched my own spirituality as well as my relationship with the community. I am fortunate that Sister Barbara recently became the pastoral associate for my parish, where I also work, so that we are able to continue our relationship.

3.) Describe your feelings during the Rite of Commitment Nov. 17.

The Rite of Commitment was a very beautiful day. It was good to feel the support of so many of the sisters and to feel their acceptance of us. I have always loved “the big church” [Church of the Immaculate Conception] and being a part of this meaningful ceremony in that place deepened my recognition of the importance of Saint Mother Theodore and the Sisters of Providence in my life and my desire to support them in whatever ways I can.

4.) What commitment did you make for this year?

I committed:

  • to intentional prayer for the Sisters of Providence and the Providence Associates and, in particular, to pray the Prayer of Reunion each day and to reflect on a segment of the Litany of Non-violence;
  • to reading and studying materials from the Sisters of Providence; and
  • to explore the possibility of assisting in one of the Providence ministries in Indianapolis.

5.) What would you like to share with the new Providence Candidate-Associates?

I would encourage them to drink deeply of the Providence spirit, to take whatever time they can to read about Saint Mother Theodore, to work with the units as they can and allow the units to deepen their understanding, and to recognize how their relationship with the sisters enriches their relationship with God and with others.

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Connie McCammon

Connie McCammon worked in the communications office for the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

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